So, ever since Babyzen launched their new Bassinet I’ve been getting so many questions about whether parents should choose the bassinet, the newborn pack, or none at all. I’m going to share my professional opinion, and I hope that this will help you decide which option suits your family best.
First, let me begin by saying that if you want to use the Babyzen YOYO before age 6 months you will need one of the two, either a bassinet or a newborn pack.
"But can’t I use a car seat on the frame instead of a bassinet or newborn pack?”
I am not a fan of using car seats outside the car. Yes, technically, you can use an adapter on the YOYO frame to attach a compatible car seat. But, should you? Google the 2 Hour Car Seat Rule, or check my highlight on Instagram called “Car Seats”. Car seats are made in a way to protect your baby’s spine and neck and give them impact protection in the case of an accident. But this is not an ideal position for more than 2 hours. Newborns and infants should be laid flat on their back during sleep time and while being pushed around. Now having said that, you can use the car seat on the frame for short periods, but it shouldn’t be your baby’s primary mode of transport outside the car (I won’t even get into the importance of having a car seat in the car, as this is non negotiable, but if you need more info about this, I’m happy to share the right resources).
Second, let’s discuss the main features of and differences between the bassinet and the newborn pack:
• both offer a safe, comfortable nest where baby can sleep on their back, as recommended.
• both are forward facing
• both have a 5-point safety harness.
• the newborn pack folds with the stroller, but bassinet has to be removed before folding.
• the bassinet has a thicker mattress and a new canopy for extra air flow.
Now we know a little more, which one do we choose?
I believe the deciding factor is the folding feature. If you are primarily using the Babyzen YOYO on the go, and want something that folds and opens easily, then the newborn nest is for you. If you are looking for something more plush, and spend long hours at work, your parents’ home, or in wide open spaces, and folding/unfolding is not a concern for you, then the bassinet is your best bet.
There’s no two ways about it: the Babyzen YOYO is hands down the best stroller on the market, and I’m sure you’ll be happy with whichever choice you make, but it’s always nice to really reflect on your family’s needs and try to get the option that you think will serve you best!
The full Babyzen YOYO range can be found here
Still confused? Have a question? Reach out to me below or via Instagram and I’ll be more than happy to help out!
Always, Your Parenting Partners ♡